UMR CNRS - 5234

Laboratoire de Microbiologie Fondamentale et Pathogénicité

The MFP laboratory (Microbiologie Fondamentale et Pathogénicité) is a research Unit depending on the CNRS and the Université de Bordeaux. The objective of MFP is to increase the general, scientific and basic understanding of host pathogen interactions linked to replication and disease development. The ultimate final aim is a comprehension of the consequences of molecular interactions on higher levels up to epidemiology and the development of anti-microbial approaches. MFP is currently composed of seven groups working on virology (HIV, adenovirus, hepatitis C and B, parvovirus), bacteriology (enterobacteria, etc.), parasitology (trypanosomes, leishmanies, toxoplasmes) and mycology (Candida).

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First demonstration of HIV-1 integration regulation by Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Batisse et al., JBC 2024

Création du GDR CNRS « Dynamique des interactions entre chromatines virales et cellulaires ».

Discovery of a new route for integron cassette dissemination among bacterial genomes


Financements de 2 projets avec 2 CDD dans le cadre du PSGAR-MIE EMERG et C3AMR