Lab news

21st of November 2023 | Congratulations to Chloé Roumegous for her excellent PhD defence in front of a very nice and pertinent jury! Also congratulations to Karine Frénal who did an excellent job as PhD supervisor!


16th of May 2023 | Congratulations to Chloé Lambert for her Best Poster Award at the Microbiology Day!!

12th of December 2022 | Congratulations to Ophélie Cosnefroy for her new position as an assistant engineer!! Welcome to the ProParaCyto team!

15th of June 2022 | Congratulations to Chloé Lambert for her Master and welcome for your PhD. We are very happy to have you on the Structu-Ring project!

1st of June 2022 | Congratulations to Chloé Roumegous for her Best Poster Award at the Microbiology-NA Day!!


20th of May 2022 |Perfect weather, excellent food and a friendly group …Do you really need anything else?


12th of May 2022 |Congratulations to Rija Ramanantsalama (first author), Denis Dacheux (last author) and all the authors for our most recent work on TbTFK1, a transition fibre protein in T. brucei involved in cytokinesis.


9th of March 2022 |Congratulations to all the authors for our most recent work in Parasite on TbKINX1, a novel BILBO1 partner.   


1st of Septembre 2021 |Welcome to Magamba Tounkara who is joining the lab for a postdoc on the Flagel-Ome project!

2nd of August 2021 |Congratulations to all the authors for our most recent work in PLOS Pathogens in collaboration with the Dong Lab!

31st of May 2021 |Lab picnic, lots of good food, nice weather and a feel of freedom without the masks!!!!

April-June 2021 |Welcome to Chloé Lambert (M1 student), Alexia Billiet and Damien Fuster (BTS student)!

January 2021 | Happy New Year and welcome to Alicia Da Silva and Sacha Veloso who are in their 2nd-year Biotechnology BTS at Lycée Saint Louis, Bordeaux, and are joining the lab for their practical training!

October 2020 | We are happy to welcome Chloé ROUMEGOUS for a PhD project on Toxoplasma gondii funded by a bourse fléchée from the doctoral school Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé

September 2020| Congratulation to Aya ABOU HAMMOUD for the renewal of her ATER contract from the University of Bordeaux

September 2020 | Finally, a real lab meeting!


July 2020 | Congratulations to Rija and thanks to the FRM for the 12-month thesis financial support!

July 2020 | We are happy to announce that our STRUCTU-RING collaborative project with Gang DONG is funded by a ANR-FWF  PRCI!

2020-03-30 | Despite the Covid-19 confinement, we had our second online lab meeting. Bon courage à tous!

2020-01-10 | Graduation of Doctoral degrees from the University of Bordeaux. Christine Reix received her hat and scarf! Congratulations Christine!


2020-01-06 | Welcome to Elina and Cédric who are joining the lab for 2 month.

2020-01-06 | Welcome to Aya Abou Hammoud joining the lab with an ATER UBX position.

2019-12-03 | The high resolution structure of the BILBO1 N-terminal domain is out!

2019-12-03 | Congratulations to Charlotte Isch who is now PhD in Microbiology-Immunology from the University of Bordeaux! Charlotte was funded by the LabEx ParaFrap PhD program.

2019-11-27 | The first French-UK International Conference on Cilia, Flagella and Centrosomes was a great meeting! Congratulations Rija for your poster prize!

2019-10-11 | We had a great time presenting the “Atelier Parasites” to the 1ière STL students from the Lycée Saint Louis. They observed live T. brucei and Toxoplasma gondii parasites and played with a fluorescence microscope to visualized parasite fluorescent proteins expressed in a mammalian cell.

2019-09-26 | Congratulations to Dr Dr Christine Reix who brilliantly defended today her doctoral thesis in Microbiology-Immunology at the University of Bordeaux!

2019-07-12 | Our ANR-PRC Flagel-Ome with P. Ray, A. Touré and N. Thierry-Mieg on « Fundamental, genetic and clinical aspects of male infertility due to severe sperm flagellar abnormalities » has been accepted!

2019-07-02 | Congratulations to Karine Frénal who successfully applied to the Département Sciences Biologiques et Médicales AAP Jeunes Chercheurs 2019 to develop her research on the identification of the components and functions of the Toxoplasma gondii Basal Complex.

2019-05-13 | Welcome to Corentin Agnerot-Rigot (second year of Medical School DGSM2 – INSERM) for a 3-month internship to study a T. brucei cytoskeleton protein.

2019-07-10 | Congratulations to Rija Ramanantsalama who received travel awards from the GDR3580 CIL and ParaTryp to present his most recent data at the 30th Annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM), Woods Hole, USA. Have a good meeting!

2019-06-28 | Congratulations to Nicolas Landrein who was brilliantly promoted to Ingénieur d’Etudes!

2019-01 | Congratulations to Karine Frénal who was recruited as a CNRS CRCN and joined the group to develop her research on the Identification of the Components and Functions of the Toxoplasma gondii Basal Complex.

2018-30 September – 03 October | Charlotte Isch presented her poster about a BILBO1-related protein at the EMBO Workshop. Molecular advances and parasite strategies in host infection. Les Embiez Island, France.

2018-09  | Congratulations to Christine Reix who received a travel grant from the GDR GDR3580 CIL  to present a poster at the 29th Annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM), Woods Hole, USA. Have a good meeting!