
Work in the group is funded by the CNRS, the University of Bordeaux and other generous funding agencies:

2020-2024|  ANR-FWF PRCI with Dr Gang DONG. STRUCTU-RING or Why and how trypanosomes build a Flagellar Pocket Collar (ANR-20-CE91-0003-01).

2020|  The Departments STS and SBM are funding the project “Generation of a nanobody library to screen for SARS-CoV-2 antigens” held by Derrick Robinson and Harald Wodrich.

2019-2024|  ANR LabEx ParaFrap.(ANR-11-LABX-0024)

2019-2024|  ANR-PRC FLAGEL-OME “Fundamental, genetic and clinical aspects of male infertility due to severe sperm flagellar abnormalities”in collaboration with P. Ray, A. Touré and N. Thierry-Mieg. (ANR-19-CE17-0014-03)

2019| SFR TransBiomed funding to Karine Frénal to develop her research on the Identification of the Components and Functions of the Toxoplasma gondii Basal Complex.

2020-2024|  LabEx ParaFrap (ANR-11-LABX-0024)

2014-2019|  ANR-PRC MAS Flagella (ANR-14-CE15-0002-04)

2012-2016| ANR-PRC Mucofertil (ANR-12-BSV1-0011-03)

2012|  SFR TransBiomed

2012-2020|  LabEx ParaFrap

2011-2014|  Région Aquitaine, Equipment and PhD fellowship

2009-2013|   ANR Bio-Pocket , Characterisation of the flagellar pocket cytoskeleton in Trypanosoma brucei. (ANR-09-BLAN-0074)

2009|   PEPS CNRS: Characterisation of the SAXO proteins

2006|  Programme CNRS Protéomique et Génie des Protéines. “Identification protéomique et caractérisation de nouvelles protéines du corps basal”.

2003| ACI Dynamique et réactivité des assemblages biologiques “Dissection des mécanismes moléculaires de fonctionnement de l’appareil flagellaire” in collaboration with P. Bastin.

2001-2003| ATIP CNRS