

Batisse C, Lapaillerie D, Humbert N, Real E, Zhu R, Mély Y, Parissi V, Ruff M, Batisse J. Integrase-LEDGF/p75 complex triggers the formation of biomolecular condensates that modulate HIV-1 integration efficiency in vitro. J Biol Chem. 2024 300, 107374. PubMed PMID:38762180

Murigneux E, Softic L, Aubé C, Grandi C, Judith D, Bruce J, Le Gall M, Guillonneau F, Schmitt A, Parissi V, Berlioz-Torrent C, Meertens L, Hansen MMK, Gallois-Montbrun S. Proteomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 particles unveils a key role of G3BP proteins in viral assembly. Nat Commun. 2024 15, 640. PubMed PMID:38245532

Richard E, Darracq B, Littner E, Vit C, Whiteway C, Bos J, Fournes F, Garriss G, Conte V, Lapaillerie D, Parissi V, Rousset F, Skovgaard O, Bikard D, Rocha EPC, Mazel D, Loot C. Cassette recombination dynamics within chromosomal integrons are regulated by toxin-antitoxin systems. Sci Adv. 2024 10, eadj3498. PubMed PMID:38215203

Loot C, Millot GA, Richard E, Littner E, Vit C, Lemoine F, Néron B, Cury J, Darracq B, Niault T, Lapaillerie D, Parissi V, Rocha EPC, Mazel D. Integron cassettes integrate into bacterial genomes via widespread non-classical attG sites. Nat Microbiol. 2024 9, 228-240. PubMed PMID:38172619


Mauro E, Lapaillerie D, Tumiotto C, Charlier C, Martins F, Sousa SF, Métifiot M, Weigel P, Yamatsugu K, Kanai M, Munier-Lehmann H, Richetta C, Maisch M, Dutrieux J, Batisse J, Ruff M, Delelis O, Lesbats P, Parissi V. Modulation of the functional interfaces between retroviral intasomes and the human nucleosome. mBio. 2023 14, e0108323. PubMed PMID:37382440


Li H, Ernst C, Kolonko-Adamska M, Greb-Markiewicz B, Man J, Parissi V, Ng BW. Phase separation in viral infections. Trends Microbiol. 2022 30, 1217-1231. PubMed PMID:35902318

Rocchi C, Gouet P, Parissi V, Fiorini F. The C-Terminal Domain of HIV-1 Integrase: A Swiss Army Knife for the Virus?. Viruses. 2022 14, . PubMed PMID:35891378

Lapaillerie D, Charlier C, Guyonnet-Dupérat V, Murigneux E, Fernandes HS, Martins FG, Magalhães RP, Vieira TF, Richetta C, Subra F, Lebourgeois S, Charpentier C, Descamps D, Visseaux B, Weigel P, Favereaux A, Beauvineau C, Buron F, Teulade-Fichou MP, Routier S, Gallois-Montbrun S, Meertens L, Delelis O, Sousa SF, Parissi V. Selection of Bis-Indolyl Pyridines and Triphenylamines as New Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Cellular Entry by Modulating the Spike Protein/ACE2 Interfaces. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2022 66, e0008322. PubMed PMID:35861550

Richetta C, Subra F, Malet I, Leh H, Charpentier C, Corona A, Collin G, Descamps D, Deprez E, Parissi V, Calvez V, Tramontano E, Marcelin AG, Delelis O. Mutations in the 3'-PPT Lead to HIV-1 Replication without Integration. J Virol. 2022 96, e0067622. PubMed PMID:35758669

Lagadec F, Parissi V, Lesbats P. Targeting the Nucleosome Acidic Patch by Viral Proteins: Two Birds with One Stone?. mBio. 2022 13, e0173321. PubMed PMID:35343785


Lapaillerie D, Lelandais B, Mauro E, Lagadec F, Tumiotto C, Miskey C, Ferran G, Kuschner N, Calmels C, Métifiot M, Rooryck C, Ivics Z, Ruff M, Zimmer C, Lesbats P, Toutain J, Parissi V. Modulation of the intrinsic chromatin binding property of HIV-1 integrase by LEDGF/p75. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 49, 11241-11256. PubMed PMID:34634812

Vit C, Richard E, Fournes F, Whiteway C, Eyer X, Lapaillerie D, Parissi V, Mazel D, Loot C. Cassette recruitment in the chromosomal Integron of Vibrio cholerae. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 49, 5654-5670. PubMed PMID:34048565

Lapaillerie D, Charlier C, Fernandes HS, Sousa SF, Lesbats P, Weigel P, Favereaux A, Guyonnet-Duperat V, Parissi V. In Silico, In Vitro and In Cellulo Models for Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 Spike/Human ACE2 Complex, Viral Entry and Cell Fusion. Viruses. 2021 13, . PubMed PMID:33669132


Lee GE, Mauro E, Parissi V, Shin CG, Lesbats P. Structural Insights on Retroviral DNA Integration: Learning from Foamy Viruses. Viruses. 2019 11, . PubMed PMID:31443391

Corvaglia V, Carbajo D, Prabhakaran P, Ziach K, Mandal PK, Santos VD, Legeay C, Vogel R, Parissi V, Pourquier P, Huc I. Carboxylate-functionalized foldamer inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase and Topoisomerase 1: artificial analogues of DNA mimic proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 47, 5511-5521. PubMed PMID:31073604

Richetta C, Thierry S, Thierry E, Lesbats P, Lapaillerie D, Munir S, Subra F, Leh H, Deprez E, Parissi V, Delelis O. Two-long terminal repeat (LTR) DNA circles are a substrate for HIV-1 integrase. J Biol Chem. 2019 294, 8286-8295. PubMed PMID:30971426

Mauro E, Lesbats P, Lapaillerie D, Chaignepain S, Maillot B, Oladosu O, Robert X, Fiorini F, Kieffer B, Bouaziz S, Gouet P, Ruff M, Parissi V. Human H4 tail stimulates HIV-1 integration through binding to the carboxy-terminal domain of integrase. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 47, 3607-3618. PubMed PMID:30767014


Lesbats P, Parissi V. Retroviral integration site selection: a running Gag?. Microb Cell. 2018 5, 569-571. PubMed PMID:30533422

Ziach K, Chollet C, Parissi V, Prabhakaran P, Marchivie M, Corvaglia V, Bose PP, Laxmi-Reddy K, Godde F, Schmitter JM, Chaignepain S, Pourquier P, Huc I. Single helically folded aromatic oligoamides that mimic the charge surface of double-stranded B-DNA. Nat Chem. 2018 10, 511-518. PubMed PMID:29610464

Jaspart A, Calmels C, Cosnefroy O, Bellecave P, Pinson P, Claverol S, Guyonnet-Dupérat V, Dartigues B, Benleulmi MS, Mauro E, Gretteau PA, Parissi V, Métifiot M, Andreola ML. GCN2 phosphorylates HIV-1 integrase and decreases HIV-1 replication by limiting viral integration. Sci Rep. 2017 7, 2283. PubMed PMID:28536474


Benleulmi MS, Matysiak J, Robert X, Miskey C, Mauro E, Lapaillerie D, Lesbats P, Chaignepain S, Henriquez DR, Calmels C, Oladosu O, Thierry E, Leon O, Lavigne M, Andreola ML, Delelis O, Ivics Z, Ruff M, Gouet P, Parissi V. Modulation of the functional association between the HIV-1 intasome and the nucleosome by histone amino-terminal tails. Retrovirology. 2017 14, 54. PubMed PMID:29179726

Matysiak J, Lesbats P, Mauro E, Lapaillerie D, Dupuy JW, Lopez AP, Benleulmi MS, Calmels C, Andreola ML, Ruff M, Llano M, Delelis O, Lavigne M, Parissi V. Modulation of chromatin structure by the FACT histone chaperone complex regulates HIV-1 integration. Retrovirology. 2017 14, 39. PubMed PMID:28754126


Pasi M, Mornico D, Volant S, Juchet A, Batisse J, Bouchier C, Parissi V, Ruff M, Lavery R, Lavigne M. DNA minicircles clarify the specific role of DNA structure on retroviral integration. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 44, 7830-47. PubMed PMID:27439712

Escudero JA, Loot C, Parissi V, Nivina A, Bouchier C, Mazel D. Unmasking the ancestral activity of integron integrases reveals a smooth evolutionary transition during functional innovation. Nat Commun. 2016 7, 10937. PubMed PMID:26961432


Naughtin M, Haftek-Terreau Z, Xavier J, Meyer S, Silvain M, Jaszczyszyn Y, Levy N, Miele V, Benleulmi MS, Ruff M, Parissi V, Vaillant C, Lavigne M. DNA Physical Properties and Nucleosome Positions Are Major Determinants of HIV-1 Integrase Selectivity. PLoS One. 2015 10, e0129427. PubMed PMID:26075397

Thierry S, Benleulmi MS, Sinzelle L, Thierry E, Calmels C, Chaignepain S, Waffo-Teguo P, Merillon JM, Budke B, Pasquet JM, Litvak S, Ciuffi A, Sung P, Connell P, Hauber I, Hauber J, Andreola ML, Delelis O, Parissi V. Dual and Opposite Effects of hRAD51 Chemical Modulation on HIV-1 Integration. Chem Biol. 2015 22, 712-23. PubMed PMID:26051216

Thierry S, Munir S, Thierry E, Subra F, Leh H, Zamborlini A, Saenz D, Levy DN, Lesbats P, Saïb A, Parissi V, Poeschla E, Deprez E, Delelis O. Integrase inhibitor reversal dynamics indicate unintegrated HIV-1 dna initiate de novo integration. Retrovirology. 2015 12, 24. PubMed PMID:25808736

Benleulmi MS, Matysiak J, Henriquez DR, Vaillant C, Lesbats P, Calmels C, Naughtin M, Leon O, Skalka AM, Ruff M, Lavigne M, Andreola ML, Parissi V. Intasome architecture and chromatin density modulate retroviral integration into nucleosome. Retrovirology. 2015 12, 13. PubMed PMID:25807893