Candida metabolism

Minimal metabolism allowing Candida yeast to be pathogenic to humans

Yeast-macrophage interaction, lipid metabolism, neoglucogenesis.

Candida lusitaniae

Intra-macrophagic surviving yeasts (blue cells)

  • Whole proteome analysis of intra-macrophagic surviving yeasts by mass spectrometry
  • Identification of proteins and metabolic pathways up- and down expressed in our annotated genome database
  • Highlighting the major role of yeast lipid metabolism for intra-macrophagic survival
  • Identification of several fatty acids catabolism pathways in Candida, involving or not involving Fox2p, the main enzyme of fatty acid beta-oxidation in yeasts
  • Demonstration for the first time in ascomycetous yeast that Fox2p can localize both in peroxisomes and mitochondria.
  • The movie was shot in the BIC studios at Bordeaux University
  • Executive producer: El-Kirat-Chatel Sofiane
  • Associate producer: Dementhon Karine
  • Senior Direction production: Noël Thierry
Starring C. lusitaniae and macrophages

C. lusitaniae, alias the "bad" cell   and  Macrophages, alias the "good" cells respectively

[clic here to see a video of a macrophage engulphing a Candida yeast cell]

Immunoelectron microscopy showing Fox2p localizing both in peroxysomes (P) and mitochondria (M)