The team is managing the BSL3 laboratory of Bordeaux University within the TBM core (CNRS-UMS3427 / INSERM US005).  Marie-Line Andreola is scientific director and Patricia Pinson is technical director of the facility. Marie-Lise Blondot is a full-time engineer dedicated to SARS-COV-2 related experimentations.


  • Compounds screening for antiviral activity against HIV, HCV, ZIKV and SARS-COV-2.
  • Cellular mechanism of action of active compounds
  • Oncogenes vectorization
  • Cat3 GMOs handeling

for more details, please visit the UB’L3 website (in french).

Research projects involving the BSL3

Numerous research projects are developped using the BSL3 facility with the financial support of the University, the local administration “Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine”, or national agencies such as ANR, SIDACTION, ANRS MIE etc. For more details about these projects, please visit the Andevir webpage.