

Valencia-Gallardo C., Aguilar-Salvador D.-I., Khakzad H., Cocom-Chan B., Bou-Nader C., Velours C., Zarrouk Y., Le Clainche C., Malosse C., Borges Lima D., Quenech’Du N., Mazhar B., Essid S., Fontecave M., Asnacios A., Chamot-Rooke J., Malmstro ̈ m L., and Tran Van Nhieu G. Shigella IpaA mediates actin bundling through diffusible vinculin oligomers with activation imprint. Cell Rep. 2023 Apr 17;42(4):112405.  doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112405. PMID: 37071535.


He N, Zhou J, Bimai O, Oltmanns J, Ravanat J-L, Velours C, Schünemann V, Fontecave M, Golinelli-Pimpaneau B, A subclass of archaeal U8-tRNA sulfurases requires a [4Fe-4S] cluster for catalysis. NAR. 2022 Dec 19:gkac1156. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac1156. PMID: 36533440.

Calmels C, Métifiot M, Andreola ML. Template requirements of Zika RNA polymerase during in vitro RNA synthesis from the 3′-end of virus minus-strand RNA. Biochimie. 2022 Apr;195:71-76. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2021.11.003. Epub 2021 Nov 13. PMID: 34780840.

Velours C, Zhou J, Zecchin P, He N, Salameh M, Golinelli-Cohen MP, Golinelli- Pimpaneau B. Determination of the Absolute Molar Mass of [Fe-S]-Containing Proteins Using Size Exclusion Chromatography-Multi-Angle Light Scattering (SEC- MALS). Biomolecules. 2022 Feb 8;12(2):270. doi: 10.3390/biom12020270. PMID: 35204772; PMCID: PMC8961635.


Lapaillerie D, Lelandais B, Mauro E, Lagadec F, Tumiotto C, Miskey C, Ferran G, Kuschner N, Calmels C, Métifiot M, Rooryck C, Ivics Z, Ruff M, Zimmer C, Lesbats P, Toutain J, Parissi V. Modulation of the intrinsic  chromatin binding property of HIV-1 integrase by LEDGF/p75. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Nov 8;49(19):11241-11256. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab886. PMID: 34634812; PMCID: PMC8565322.

Torres C, Garling A, Taouji S, Calmels C, Andreola ML, Métifiot M. Targeting the Integrated Stress Response  Kinase GCN2 to Modulate Retroviral Integration. Molecules. 2021 Sep 6;26(17):5423. doi: 10.3390/molecules26175423. PMID:34500856; PMCID: PMC8434491.

Marsin S, Adam Y, Cargemel C, Andreani J, Baconnais S, Legrand P, Li de la Sierra-Gallay I, Humbert A, Aumont-Nicaise M, Velours C, Ochsenbein F, Durand D, Le Cam E, Walbott H, Possoz C, Quevillon-Cheruel S, Ferat JL. Study of the DnaB:DciA interplay reveals insights into the primary mode of loading of the bacterial replicative helicase. Nucleic Acids Res2021 Jun 21;49(11):6569-6586. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab463. PMID: 34107018; PMCID: PMC8216460.

Velours C, Aumont-Nicaise M, Uebel S, England P, Velazquez-Campoy A, Stroebel D, Bec G, Soule P, Quétard C, Ebel C, Roussel A, Charbonnier JB, Varela PF. Macromolecular interactions in vitro, comparing classical and novel approaches. Eur Biophys J. 2021 May;50(3-4):313-330. doi: 10.1007/s00249-021-01517-5. Epub 2021 Apr 1. Erratum in: Eur Biophys J. 2021 Apr 27;: PMID: 33792745.

Zhou J, Lénon M, Ravanat JL, Touati N, Velours C, Podskoczyj K, Leszczynska G, Fontecave M, Barras F, Golinelli-Pimpaneau B. Iron-sulfur biology invades tRNA modification: the case of U34 sulfuration. Nucleic Acids Res2021 Apr 19;49(7):3997-4007. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab138. Erratum in: Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jun 4;49(10):5998. PMID: 33744947; PMCID: PMC8053098.

Varela PF, Chenon M, Velours C, Verhey KJ, Ménétrey J, Gigant B. Structural snapshots of the kinesin-2 OSM-3 along its nucleotide cycle: implications for the ATP hydrolysis mechanism. FEBS Open Bio. 2021 Mar;11(3):564-577. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13101. Epub 2021 Feb 28. PMID: 33513284; PMCID: PMC7931232.


Damke PP, Di Guilmi AM, Varela PF, Velours C, Marsin S, Veaute X, Machouri M, Gunjal GV, Rao DN, Charbonnier JB, Radicella JP. Identification of the periplasmic DNA receptor for natural transformation of Helicobacter pylori. Nat Commun. 2019 Nov 25;10(1):5357. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13352-6. PMID: 31767852; PMCID: PMC6877725.

Vilela F, Velours C, Chenon M, Aumont-Nicaise M, Campanacci V, Thureau A, Pylypenko O, Andreani J, Llinas P, Ménétrey J. Structural characterization of the RH1-LZI tandem of JIP3/4 highlights RH1 domains as a cytoskeletal motor- binding motif. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 5;9(1):16036. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52537-3. PMID: 31690808; PMCID: PMC6831827.

Campanacci V, Urvoas A, Cantos-Fernandes S, Aumont-Nicaise M, Arteni AA, Velours C, Valerio-Lepiniec M, Dreier B, Plückthun A, Pilon A, Poüs C, Minard P, Gigant B. Insight into microtubule nucleation from tubulin-capping proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 May 14;116(20):9859-9864. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1813559116. Epub 2019 Apr 29. PMID: 31036638; PMCID: PMC6525497.

Bou-Nader C, Barraud P, Pecqueur L, Pérez J, Velours C, Shepard W, Fontecave M, Tisné C, Hamdane D. Molecular basis for transfer RNA recognition by the double-stranded RNA-binding domain of human dihydrouridine synthase 2Nucleic Acids Res2019 Apr 8;47(6):3117-3126. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1302. PMID: 30605527; PMCID: PMC6451096.

Varela PF, Velours C, Aumont-Niçaise M, Pineau B, Legrand P, Poquet I. Biophysical and structural characterization of a zinc-responsive repressor of the MarR superfamily. PLoS One. 2019 Feb 12;14(2):e0210123. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210123. PMID: 30753183; PMCID: PMC6372160.

Léger C, Di Meo T, Aumont-Nicaise M, Velours C, Durand D, Li de la Sierra- Gallay I, van Tilbeurgh H, Hildebrandt N, Desmadril M, Urvoas A, Valerio- Lepiniec M, Minard P. Ligand-induced conformational switch in an artificial bidomain protein scaffold. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 4;9(1):1178. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37256-5. PMID: 30718544; PMCID: PMC6362204.